taxii2client.v21 package

Module contents

Python TAXII 2.1 Client API

class taxii2client.v21.ApiRoot(url, conn=None, user=None, password=None, verify=True, proxies=None, auth=None, cert=None)

Bases: taxii2client.common._TAXIIEndpoint

Information about a TAXII API Root.

This class corresponds to the Get API Root Information (section 4.2) and Get Collections (section 5.1) endpoints, and contains the information found in the corresponding API Root Resource (section 4.2.1) and Collections Resource (section 5.1.1).

As obtained from a Server, each ApiRoot instance gets its own connection pool(s). Collections returned by instances of this class share the same pools as the instance, so closing one closes all. Also, the same username/password is used to connect to them, as was used for this ApiRoot. If either of these is undesirable, Collection instances may be created manually.

get_status(status_id, accept='application/taxii+json;version=2.1')

Update the API Root’s information and list of Collections


Update the list of Collections contained by this API Root.

This invokes the Get Collections endpoint.


Update the properties of this API Root.

This invokes the Get API Root Information endpoint.

class taxii2client.v21.Collection(url, conn=None, user=None, password=None, verify=True, proxies=None, collection_info=None, auth=None, cert=None)

Bases: taxii2client.common._TAXIIEndpoint

Information about a TAXII Collection.

This class represents the Get a Collection endpoint (section 5.2), and contains the information returned in the Collection Resource (section 5.2.1).

Methods on this class can be used to invoke the following endpoints:
  • Get Objects (section 5.3)
  • Add Objects (section 5.4)
  • Get an Object (section 5.5)
  • Get Object Manifests (section 5.6)

As obtained from an ApiRoot, an instance of this class shares connection(s) with all other collections obtained from the same ApiRoot, as well as the ApiRoot instance itself. Closing one will close them all. If this is undesirable, you may manually create Collection instances.

add_objects(envelope, wait_for_completion=True, poll_interval=1, timeout=60, accept='application/taxii+json;version=2.1', content_type='application/taxii+json;version=2.1')

Implement the Add Objects endpoint (section 5.4)

Add objects to the collection. This may be performed either synchronously or asynchronously. To add asynchronously, set wait_for_completion to False. If False, the latter two args are unused. If the caller wishes to monitor the status of the addition, it may do so in its own way. To add synchronously, set wait_for_completion to True, and optionally set the poll and timeout intervals. After initiating the addition, the caller will block, and the TAXII “status” service will be polled until the timeout expires, or the operation completes.

  • envelope – A TAXII envelope with the objects to add (string, dict, binary)
  • wait_for_completion (bool) – Whether to wait for the add operation to complete before returning
  • poll_interval (int) – If waiting for completion, how often to poll the status service (seconds)
  • timeout (int) – If waiting for completion, how long to poll until giving up (seconds). Use <= 0 to wait forever
  • accept (str) – media type to include in the Accept: header.
  • content_type (str) – media type to include in the Content-Type: header.

If wait_for_completion is False, a Status object corresponding to the initial status data returned from the service, is returned. The status may not yet be complete at this point.

If wait_for_completion is True, a Status object corresponding to the completed operation is returned if it didn’t time out; otherwise a Status object corresponding to the most recent data obtained before the timeout, is returned.

delete_object(obj_id, accept='application/taxii+json;version=2.1', **filter_kwargs)

Implement the Delete an Object endpoint (section 5.7)

get_manifest(accept='application/taxii+json;version=2.1', **filter_kwargs)

Implement the Get Object Manifests endpoint (section 5.6).

get_object(obj_id, accept='application/taxii+json;version=2.1', **filter_kwargs)

Implement the Get an Object endpoint (section 5.5)

get_objects(accept='application/taxii+json;version=2.1', **filter_kwargs)

Implement the Get Objects endpoint (section 5.3)

object_versions(obj_id, accept='application/taxii+json;version=2.1', **filter_kwargs)

Implement the Get Object Versions endpoint (section 5.8)


Update Collection information

class taxii2client.v21.Server(url, conn=None, user=None, password=None, verify=True, proxies=None, auth=None, cert=None)

Bases: taxii2client.common._TAXIIEndpoint

Information about a server hosting a Discovery service.

This class corresponds to the Server Discovery endpoint (section 4.1) and the Discovery Resource returned from that endpoint (section 4.1.1).

ApiRoot instances obtained from an instance of this class are created with the same username/password as was used in this instance. If that’s incorrect, an ApiRoot instance may be created directly with the desired username and password. Also, they use separate connection pools so that they can be independent: closing one won’t close others, and closing this server object won’t close any of the ApiRoot objects (which may refer to different hosts than was used for discovery).


Update the Server information and list of API Roots

class taxii2client.v21.Status(url, conn=None, user=None, password=None, verify=True, proxies=None, status_info=None, auth=None, cert=None)

Bases: taxii2client.common._TAXIIEndpoint

TAXII Status Resource.

This class represents the Get Status endpoint (section 4.3) and also contains the information about the Status Resource (section 4.3.1)


Updates Status information

wait_until_final(poll_interval=1, timeout=60)

It will poll the URL to grab the latest status resource in a given timeout and time interval.

  • poll_interval (int) – how often to poll the status service.
  • timeout (int) – how long to poll the URL until giving up. Use <= 0 to wait forever
taxii2client.v21.as_pages(func, per_request=0, *args, **kwargs)

Creates a generator for TAXII 2.1 endpoints that support pagination.

  • func (callable) – A v21 function that supports paged requests. Currently Get Objects and Get Manifest.
  • per_request (int) – How many items per request. Default 0.

Use args or kwargs to pass filter information or other arguments required to make the call.